Friday, August 5, 2011

How To Send New Google Plus Posts Automatically To twitter

How To Send New Google Plus Posts Automatically To Twitter-- without chrome extensions

there are several routes to update twitter through google post. the most efficient one is as follows:

1. you must have google plus accoount...

2. now link google plus with your twitter account.--- this could be done using Twitter APPs. in this case there is a "twittermail" that transforms every mail sent to its secret but known to u personalized and un-guessable email id ( keep it secret otherwise someone else may play with your twitter account.

3. make a new circle that includes only this twittermail personalised email id. lets say u made a circle named "new".

4. now its done!!!! just open your google plus account and stream.. write something which u want to tweets. after that click on circle named "new". now click share and voila... in few seconds your new post is visible in twitter account.

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